The analysis of training needs and objectives of the e-learning project is a preparatory phase for structuring the platform and training contents
People are the most precious resource of any company.
Considering today’s professional scenarios characterized by an ever-increasing dominance of technology, it becomes essential to train employees so that they are aligned and coordinated with the strategic direction of the company.
It is now known that improving the well-being of the workplace contributes in a decisive and extremely positive way to the overall well-being of the company.
This is why it is important to invest in human resources as primary capital and at the same time as a fundamental means to achieve strategic objectives.
This strategic consultancy aims to delve deeper into those aspects of corporate training to be translated from classroom training into digital e-learning training:
– front-end teaching needs
– and the most effective design and development strategies.
Undertaking an e-learning project means starting a very important transformation process because among the many chords that it will touch, one of the most delicate concerns that of the accurate evaluation of people and the impact that the new digital training program will have not only for the staff, but for the company as a whole.
Do you want to start structuring your project?
Download the OC SHEET to answer the questions underlying the correct design of an E-Learning project.
This sheet will help you focus, among other aspects, on:
- Goals
- Resources
- Project target